This review for the first time systematizes the results of our investigations into the influence of magnetic effects on the mechanical properties and the real structure of nonmagnetic crystals. It is found that the preliminary magnetic treatment of alkali halide crystals leads to a decrease in their solubility and a change in the microhardness and yield stress. The magnetic field strongly affects the macroplasticity of LiF, NaCl, and PbS crystals under deformation in a magnetic field. This is accompanied by a change in the shape of stress-strain curves, a shortening of deformation stages, a change in the hardening coefficients, and a decrease in the yield stress. It is revealed that the magnetic effects exhibit threshold behavior. The yield stress is measured as a function of the magnetic induction and the strain rate. It is established that the magnetic and electric fields have a joint effect on the kinetics of plastic deformation. A kinematic model of the macroscopic magnetoplastic effect is proposed. © 2003 MAIK "Nauka/ Interperiodica".