Differentiation of variants subpopulations transformed phenotype CD16+CD11B+ neutrophils in acute viral and acute bacterial infections

Neutrophilic granulocytes (Ng) are very important cells of the innate immunity, that can very quickly realize antibacterial and antiviral defense. the population CD16+CD11b+Ng take part in implementation of phagocytosis and/or ADCC in infectious processes of the different nature. Until the present time the phenomenon of the different levels of presentations of membrane receptors CD16 and CD11b Ng in normal and pathological conditions wasn't studied. We had studied the population CD16+CD11b+Ng in two groups of patients with acute viral and bacterial infections in the models of acute bacterial tonsillitis (ABt) and the acute viral tonsillitis-EBV infection (AEBVI), having the same clinical symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Comparative analysis of the redistribution of the intensity of the equipment functionally important receptors CD16 and CD11b Ng have detected three different subpopulations of the population CD16+CD11b+Ng: CD16brightCD11bbright, CD16brightCD11bdim, CD16dimCD11bbright in normal and pathological conditions. It was found, that in healthy individuals dominates subpopulation CD16brightCD11bdimNg, in patients with the acute viral infection (AEBVI) dominates subpopulation CD16brightCD11bbrightNg and in patients with the acute bacterial infections (ABt) dominates subpopu lation CD16dimCD11bbrightNg. the early detection of the acute viral or bacterial pathological process is very important for the timely etiopathogenetic therapy. We had demonstrated, that the study of different subpopulations of population of CD16+CD11b+Ng allows in early stage of diseases to diagnose the acute viral infection-the acute viral tonsillitis, in which subpopulation CD16brightCD11bbrightNg dominates, and acute bacterial infections-the acute bacterial tonsillitis, in which subpopulation CD16dimCD11bbrightNg dominates. © 2017 Meditsina Publishers. All rights reserved.

Nesterova I.V. 1 , Chudilova G.A.2 , Lomtatidze L.V.2 , Kovaleva S.V.2 , Kolesnikova N.V.2 , Avdeeva M.G.2 , Rusinova T.V.2
Номер выпуска
  • 1 SBEI HPE Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 SBEI HPE Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health Development of Russia, Central Research Laboratory, Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Acute viral and bacterial infections; Neutrophilic granulocytes; Subpopulation

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