This article is a review of basic logistic and technological solutions that must be implemented to rationalize surface management in the European Arctic. On the basis of stating the article materials, the following conclusions were obtained: • The Arctic Regions are the world heritage and "climate laboratory" of the planet. That is why the reclamation of the resourceful, industrial and transportation and logistics potential of this region must be based on "green" technologies, • At the present time reserves of hydrocarbon resources concentrated in the European Arctic cannot be extracted without consequences of ecological nature. The access to these resources is limited because the transportation component is not developed, • The Arctic Regions have a considerable transportation and logistics potential whose reclamation is also obstructed due to objective circumstances (underdevelopment of the infrastructure, severe climate conditions, etc.) and due to the fact that traditional logistics can make greater ecological damage to the Arctic eco-system, and • The article considers four ecologically-focused areas (formation of the material and technical base, establishment of the safe icebreaking fleet, development of new systems of navigation and communications, and power supply) that will allow to reclaim industrial and transportation and logistics potential of the Arctic Regions with the minimum technogenic loading.