Effects of Climatic Changes and Air Pollution on Bronchial Asthma in West Georgia

Epidemiological studies shown that the prevalence of asthma has risen dramatically worldwide and evidence suggests that air pollution factors have an important role in the etiology of the disease. The study aimed to establish the correlation between the concentration of phadiatop, total IgE levels in the blood in patients with diagnostic bronchial asthma and the concentration of specific air pollutants in terms of annual calendar of flowering plants in West Georgia. In the study were involved 45 patients (among them 24 males and 21 females) of different ages, with diagnostic bronchial asthma (according to GINA recommendation) who for allegro-specific diagnostics applied to the S/R Institute of Allergology, Asthma and Clinical Immunology of Georgian Academy of Sciences (Tskaltubo, Georgia) from January to April, 2017. The study included the following stages of allegro-diagnostics: I step - allegro diagnostic using modern automated system - "Immuno CAP 100" (PHADIA, Switzerland) II step - Monitoring of aeropollutants concentration by using aeropolinometer "Burkard Trap" (Great Britain). The analysis of the laboratory results showed that the studied patients had high titers of total IgE, which amounted to an average of 273 (N 33-90), while the average concentration of phadiatop was 96 (N <70), respectively. In the patients with bronchial asthma of a specific positivity of specific IgE to the weeds (Wx2) - ambrosia, plantain, clasp/tarragon, atriplex -in 25 (55%) on average; tree dust (Tx9) - alder, lactariuspiperatus, nuts, oak, willow - 16 (35%); and cereals (Gxl) - festucapratensis, loliumtemulentum, timoti grass, poa - 8 (17%); Mx2 - Penicilliumnotatum, Cladosporiumherbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Alternaria alternate- 11 (24%) was revealed, only in 6 (13%) patients we cannot established the allergy specific IgE. From January to April 2017, there were revealed a high concentration of aeropollutants, by high allergenization and widespread; especially high concentrations were found in alder, birch tree and common hazel, while from aeropollutants of low allergenization poplar, elm, willow and plane tree were distinguished. A concentration of different types of tree-dust and surrounded atmospheric aeropollutants was specified by using aeropolinometer "Burkard Trap" at a given period of time and consequently, the annual calendar for distribution of aeroallergens in West Georgia was developed over again. High degree correlation between the above-mentioned markers proves its clinical importance/value with respect to bronchial asthma.

Сборник материалов конференции
Ключевые слова
bronchial asthma; risk factors; air pollution; climate changes; Burkard Trap; specific IgE

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