Purpose: To identify the consumer loyalty types in a retail segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market. Methods: A sociological study was conducted in pharmaceutical organisations of various forms of ownership, located in different administrative districts of Moscow (Russian Federation). This was done using a questionnaire developed in advance, and based on literature review. The survey involved 480 respondents selected in a simple random sampling. Results: All questionnaire filled out by the respondents were considered valid. Analysis of the loyalty parameters obtained during the study are as follows: (1) behavioural (repeated purchases), (2) emotional (subjective opinions and experience, sympathy, respect for the brand, etc) and (3) rational (utility assessment) components (4) consumer satisfaction, (5) the desire to buy again, (6) the ability to switch to competitors. They were allocated to four consumer segments. In the course of the study, one consumer segment identified a type of loyalty that had not been previously reviewed by other authors; therefore, a modified classification of the loyalty types was created. Under this classification, constancy, constancy imaginary, inconstancy, and migratory loyalties can be some types of loyalty. The identified socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents influenced the categorization of the loyalty type. Conclusion: A modified classification of loyalty types was created which serves as a parameter for segmentation of the respondents into four groups, with well-readable characteristics and the primary trends in making purchases. © Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, 300001 Nigeria.