The term "geochemical barrier" (GCB) has been widely used in the Russian geochemical literature as a key concept of the distribution of elements and substances theory (incl. pollutions)although in the world research practice this term is not particularly represented. The assessment of the functional role of the geochemical barriers in relation to the properties and evolution of the geochemical systems (GCS)is demonstrated.The foundations of Haken synergy, the foundations of self-organization of systems and non-equilibrium (non-linear) thermodynamics of I. Prigogine and his school are used as a methodological framework. From the authors' point of view, GCB are considered as self-organizing components of GCS, in which physical and chemical processes are activated, leading to the transformation of atomic and molecular structures, chemical associations and individual chemical elements under the impact of active media (processes). They can be the defining phenomenon of the emergence and evolution of GCS. The concept of geochemical barriers is the foundation for technologies that are actively implemented for cleaning and protecting soils, groundwater and surface water, and the geological environment in general. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019.