Triassic radiolarians were studied from a limestone/chert succession of the Dzhangisu and Boztere formations, Southeastern Pamirs, Republic of Tajikistan. The middle part of the Dzhangisu Formation is characterized by a Late Anisian assemblage with Eptingium nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, Archaeospongoprunum bispinosum Kozur and Mostler, A. mesotriassicum mesotriassicum Kozur and Mostler, Paroertlispongus multispinosus Kozur and Mostler, P. rarispinosus Kozur and Mostler and Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko and Nishimura) that belongs either to the upper part of the Tetraspinocyrtis laevis Zone or to the Spongosilicarmiger transitus Zone (Kozur, 2003). The lowermost part of the Boztere Formation is characterized by a Late Ladinian assemblage with Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), M. expansa (Kozur and Mostler), Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica that corresponds to the M. cochleata Zone. Pamirian localities have a transitional position between the Western Tethys (Alpine–Mediterranean region) and the Eastern Tethys–Pacific junction (Southern China and Thailand). The assemblages are Tethyan in affinity. © 2016