When choosing a site for the construction of high-risk objects, it is necessary to take into account all the processes that may adversely affect the safety of the station. In connection with planning the construction of nuclear power plant in the region, where karst is the most dangerous process, several methods of assessing karst risk have been developed. Formulas, that allow to find physical damage from the destruction of territories and engineering objects by geological processes, are written in the article. It is shown that physical risk values are used as the basis for constructing a scale that allows to objectively evaluate the degree of failure hazard by two generally accepted indicators - the average diameter of karst-suffosion sinkholes and the intensity of their formation. The physical risk of land loss is the simple integral characteristic of the both probability and strength of karst impact on the technosphere objects. The evaluation of karst danger of territory of construction of object of the raised danger is given. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.