Bound quantum systems maintaining a particle in orbit around a mini-hole, called graviatoms, are considered. The graviatoms prove to exist only under some conditions, which are satisfied for systems containing leptons and mesons. Electromagnetic and gravitational radiations of charged particles in the graviatoms are comparable with Hawking's mini-hole radiation. Bound quantum systems with the neutrino has a macroscopic size, nevertheless, the neutrino energy levels are quantized. For macrobodies two cases are possible: Bohr's levels outside the body and Thomson's - inside it. The gravitational radiation proves to be negligibly small. Stable graviatoms with baryon constituents are impossible. The internal structure of the baryons, consisting of quarks and gluons, should be taken into account. There occurs a so-called quantum accretion of baryons onto a mini-hole. The whole problem is solvable within the framework of quantum chromodynamics and quantum electrohydrodynamics.