Energy is the paramount significant component for economic, educational, science and technological development for all of the various countries. It is an integral part of every sphere of modern life and indispensible for almost all of the economic development ranging from farm irrigation to manufacturing of goods and heavy industrial activities But the world today is confronted with two interrelated challenges closely linked with energy; these are global unusual temperature rising and mass poverty. Due to incremental consumption of traditional energy earth atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) is rising rapidly, resulting global warming, global climate changes and ecological catastrophe. This is concern with the other challenge that 1.3 million of the world population, most of them is impoverished and live in rural areas in Africa and Asia, still out of the electricity supply facilities, concerning economic downturn, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, crimes and social depression as well as unexpected acceleration of deforestation, household air pollution and diseases. In this very condition changing patterns of energy which are carbon neutral or carbon negative, reliable and affordable only can save the world from upcoming challenges. Together with other sources of green energy our newly invented carbon negative “Vibration Power” and “Micro Hydroelectric Power” could be a viable alternative to save the green planet from upcoming challenges.