By the absorption spectroscopy method, optical properties of gold nanorods (10 × 38 nm) and their interaction with globular protein bovine hemoglobin and bovine serum albumin were investigated. Nanorod behavior was studied in water solution and in solution of 97 mM NaCl under ultrasound action during 90 min and results were then compared. In water solutions, nanorod coagulation (aggregation) was observed with reduced optical density of the longitudinal plasmon band widening at λ > 800 nm. In NaCl solution, absorption spectra evolution had a complex character and was in some degree analogous to the result that was obtained for two-dimensional grids of gold nanoparticles when changing the distance between them. By interacting with serum albumin, stabilization of colloid solution and dissociation of nanorod aggregates were observed. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.