Авторами проведено исследование, которое направлено на выявление сходств и отличий в проявлении уверенности у руководителей и студентов, получающих образование по управленческому профилю, так же проанализированы и систематизированы показатели, полученные в ходе исследования. Все это входило в цели настоящей работы. Участниками исследования являются 80 респондентов, из которых 40 человек - опытные руководители, а 40 человек - студенты, получающие образование по управленческому профилю. Выявление психологических особенностей уверенности у профессиональных управленцев и студентов соответствующих направлений проведено с использованием методики Райдаса и бланкового теста «Уверенность» А.И. Крупнова. Результаты проведенного исследования, представленные в статье, могут быть использованы для улучшения качества обучения в рамках деятельности психологического сопровождения учебно-профессиональной деятельности студентов, получающих образование по управленческому профилю.
Confidence is an important indicator of a manager's professional competence, and not only that. Confidence acts as one of the important basic personality traits. It is confidence that has a significant impact on decisions and work results. We assume that there are peculiarities in the manifestation of confidence among professional managers and beginners, which are expressed both in similarities and differences. The study of individual psychological characteristics of managers and students receiving education in the management profile is an important and relevant area. Conducting a comparative study of confidence among managers and students will help identify differences in management approaches and determine which skills and knowledge need to be developed in the learning process, as well as improve the quality of education and meet the needs of the labor market. The study of managers' confidence is an important tool for improving the effectiveness of the organization's management due to the fact that it allows you to identify problem areas and pay attention to the development of personal qualities necessary for successful leadership. The authors conducted a study aimed at identifying similarities and differences in the manifestation of confidence among managers and students receiving education in the management profile, as well as analyzed and systematized the indicators obtained during the study. All this was part of the purpose of this work. The study participants are 80 respondents, of which 40 people are experienced managers, and 40 people are students receiving management education. The identification of the psychological characteristics of confidence among professional managers and students of the relevant fields was carried out using the Raydas methodology and the blank test «Confidence» by A.I. Krupnov. The results of the conducted research presented in the article can be used to improve the quality of education within the framework of the psychological support of educational and professional activities of students receiving education in the management profile.