The research aims to show the importance of considering the specific threats to economic security that arise in the context of digital transformation. The classification and understanding of these threats allow us to develop the most effective public policy tools to overcome them. The research is based on content analysis of information from government documents and internet resources. According to the authors, economic security in the digital environment is the state of the subject of economic activity (individual, society, or state), which ensures its normal functioning in the virtual world and maintains the security, stability, and predictability of the relations in which this subject participates in the digital environment. Moreover, there should be no factors of the digital environment that can cause harm in the virtual and real world, or these factors should not affect the subject. The government plays a central role in solving the problem of ensuring economic security in the digital age because it concentrates on the social will and aspirations and sets the vector for the development of society, including in the digital environment. Simultaneously, the form that evolutionary processes take in a particular society has its own national, regional, and historical specifics. © 2024 Olga B. Digilina and Alim S. Bishenov.