Guided bone regeneration the alveolar part of low jaw with skeletal titanium membrane: clinical case; [Направленная костная регенерация альвеолярной части нижней челюсти с применением индивидуализированной титановой каркасной мембраны: клинический случай]

When conducting guided bone regeneration in the area of the alveolar ridge, skeletal titanium membranes are successfully used. Intraoperative use of standard scaffold membranes is laborious, since it is necessary to manually model its shape, which significantly increases the operation time. With the help of additive technologies, in particular, titanium laser 3D printing, it became possible to manufacture individualized titanium frame membranes that do not deform and exactly repeat the boundaries of the reconstruction area. The use of such membranes reduces the operation time and increases the success of the surgery. The aim of the study — to demonstrate a new protocol for guided bone regeneration (GBR) of alveolar bone using a customized titanium frame membrane. Results. After the surgery, the height of the alveolar ridge was increased by 6.44 mm relative to the initial value, the width of the alveolar ridge in the region of the apex was 9.64 mm. Conclusion. The individualized skeletal titanium membrane was used to demonstrate its effectiveness in eliminating the defect of the alveolar bone, which indicates the success of this technique. © 2023 Universidad de Chile. All rights reserved.

Nalchajyan H.M. , Muraev A.A. , Bopkhoev S.V. , Kazarian G.G. , Tunian G.D. , Martirosyan M.P.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ТБИ Компания
Номер выпуска
  • 1 RUDN University, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 Sechenov University, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
customized frame membrane; guided bone regeneration; keratinized gingiva; titanium membrane

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