The effect of high-pressure torsion (HPT) on the microstructure, phase composition, mechanical characteristics, degradation rate, and bioactive properties of the Zn–1%Mg alloy is studied. An ultrafine-grained (UFG) structure with an average grain size of α-Zn equal to 890 ± 26 nm and grains and subgrains of the Mg2Zn11 and MgZn2 phases with a size of 50–100 nm are formed after HPT. This UFG structure leads to an increase in the ultimate tensile strength of the alloy by ~3 times with an increase in elongation to 6.3 ± 3.3% due to the formation of a basal texture. The study of corrosion resistance did not show a significant effect of HPT on the degradation rate of the alloy. In addition, no significant changes in the bioactivity of the alloy after HPT: hemolysis, cellular colonization and Escherichia coli growth inhibition. © 2022 by the authors.