The Theory Of Business Ecosystems In Development Programs Of Border Territories

Adopting Russian Federal Law on the Bases of Cross-Border Cooperation and recently implemented by China strategies of trans-regional architectonics of international cooperation require theoretical conceptualization while developing current regional strategies for many Russian Federation regions bordering with the People's Republic of China. The research's relevance lies in combining systems, transdisciplinary, evolutionary, and historical approaches to the business ecosystem in border territories between Russia and China. The novelty of the research comes from identifying the distinctive features of socio-economic business ecosystems on Russian-Chinese border territory, patterns of their emergence and progressing, and the development of an integrated approach to their management. According to its business characteristics, the research's scientific challenge needs to develop an integrated methodology that would allow managing business ecosystems in Russian-Chinese border territory. The scientific result of evaluating a number of the State Federal and regional programs are supposed to develop the recommendations on the improvement of the management of the social-economic ecosystem on the border territory between Russia and China. The outcome of the project has academic and practical significance. It can be used in future research to improve the management of business ecosystems and social-economic ecosystems of business in the border territories and training professionals and executives in various sectors of the national economy.

Sharipov Fanis1 , Timofeev Oleg 2
Сборник материалов конференции
  • 1 The State University of Management
  • 2 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Ключевые слова
border territory; business development; business ecosystem China; federal and regional programs

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