The authors of the article talk about the phenomenon of Internet poetry from the perspective of a new communication model, in which a broadcast channel of the Online Network affects the distribution of all other elements, including the sender, the destination user and the text. Poems by Stefania Danilova, the Runet star, served as material for analysis, proving that the cyber space can generate not only informational "junk", but also create highly artistic content that "stabilizes" the linguistic taste of the era (V. G. Kostomarov).Danilova is the youngest member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the poet, the Kulturträger, creator of the World Poetry Day international project and author of numerous poetry collections, each of which was a milestone in the literary life of Russia. Two "official" books ("Веснадцать" and "Неудержимолость") by the poet were issued on the basis of the poems already published online (the Runet Stars series).Her poetic Universe is distinguished by the archetypicity, culturogenity, intertextuality, and availability of the viewable mythotectonics. The text will remain "opaque" for the unprepared reader, since it is rich in elements that require deployment of: allusions, reminiscences, intertextual insertions, indicating the author's wide area of thought. The results of the literary analysis of Danilova's several poetry collections led us to conclusion that, today, the Internet serves not only as the "meeting place" for the addresser with the addressee, but also the reservoir of high style and poetic culture. This means that in cyberspace, there are "keepers" of the era's linguistic taste and the literary language is still seeking for regulatory coordinates in the world that has changed.

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СТЕФ92 Технолоджи
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Ключевые слова
online communication; online poetry; creative linguistic personality; runet

Другие записи

Valikova Olga, Demchenko Alyona
5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2018. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СТЕФ92 Технолоджи. 2018. С. 495-502