The purpose of this article is to identify the main speech characteristics that mark the British linguistic identity in business discourse. The authors analyze the concept of linguistic identity, determine the role of the identification of business representatives with ethnic, professional, political groups, identify speech markers of linguistic identity.For the analysis of speech characteristics methods of functional-pragmatic analysis, continuous sampling and contextual analysis were applied. The material of the study included excerpts from the speeches of British economists and representatives of the business community: the statements of Prime Minister Theresa May on the topic of economic development of the UK, the speech of Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond, the speech of the member of the Labor Party, the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell and others.The authors come to the conclusion that the complex of the speech characteristics of an individual or an ethnic group makes it possible to determine the language competence, speech behavior and language settings of native speakers.The study identified the main objects of linguistic identity of the speakers with: (1) the British nation, (2) the British business community, (3) particular political party. As it turned out, one of the most common identification strategies is the speaker's solidarization strategy with one or another group. The study showed that its markers are: proper names; personal pronouns; opposition; verbs with positive connotations; adverbs; nouns with the meaning of the unity; adjectives with the meaning of improvement etc.These observations indicate the importance of the national cultural component of business communication. The current state of international economic relations requires the search for means of establishing intercultural understanding. Comprehending and acquiring strategies that mark British identity will enable representatives of business, commerce and other professional spheres to cope with this task.

Radyuk Alexandra 1 , Ivanova Maria2 , Prikhodchenko Anna 1
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СТЕФ92 Технолоджи
  • 1 RUDN University
  • 2 Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing
Ключевые слова
pragmatics; functional analysis; business discourse; linguistic identity; discursive strategy

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