При исследовании пар, эмбрионы которых прошли предимплантационный генетический скрининг, обнаружено, что снижение концентрации сперматозоидов так же, как и повышение содержания сперматозоидов с фрагментированной ДНК, сопровождаются статистически значимым увеличением встречаемости эмбрионов с синдромом Шерешевского-Тёрнера.
The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of Turner syndrome in the embryos of couples with male infertility compared to couples without male sterility. 93 couples whose embryos had undergone preimplantation genetic screening with aCGH (array comparative genomic hybridization) were studied. Concentration, motility, morphology of sperm cells, and the level of sperm DNA fragmentation were estimated for each couple. It was found that a decrease in sperm concentration, as well as an increase in the number of sperm cells with fragmented DNA were accompanied by a significant increase in the frequency of embryos with Turner syndrome. Therefore, in case of abnormalities in the characteristics of sperm cells, it is advisable to evaluate the level of DNA fragmentation of sperm, and use a preimplantation genetic screening program to reduce the risk of having a child with this syndrome.