Медиаформанты современной образовательной политики в России

Статья посвящена проблеме выделения ключевых слов текущего момента, которые определяют специфику функционирования медиаконцепта «образование» в медиатекстах. Анализируя тексты документов, определяющих государственную образовательную политику России на современном этапе, автор определяет наиболее частотные слова и словосочетания, которые являются медиаформантами данного медиаконцепта, то есть ценностными маркерами образовательной медиаинформационной среды. Ключевыми медиаформантами публикаций образовательной тематики должны стать понятия «доступность», «качество» (с коннотацией «качественный») и «эффективность».

Mediaformants of Modern Educational Policy in Russia

The actions dedicated to promotion of educational services undoubtedly should be coordinated with the state educational policy, which, first of all, is realized in the basic documents containing the main concepts. These concepts can be considered as conceptual mediaformants. Texts of the leading documents are a guide for the elaboration of the right strategy and tactics in the information support of the development of education and educational services, and the stable characteristics of the concept “education” contained therein are the key media concepts or mediaformants that have value significance and become keywords of the current moment in journalistic and PR-texts. The basic documents on the development of education in Russia, which formulate the key priorities of the educational policy of the Russian Federation, are original concentrators, sources of these language units or explanatory constructions. The concept of “mediaformant” defines language units that reflect the most qualitative features of media text in terms of its effectiveness and orientation to the needs of the audience. In the field of education these words form the conceptual domain, and in the context of the development of network technologies in the media, the formation of a modern media information environment they become the keywords that determine the effectiveness of network interaction by hyperlinks and search queries. The task of media texts is to promote the state policy in the sphere of education through mediaformants of the media concept "education", which are the value markers of the media information environment related to the educational theme. Key mediaformants in the educational sphere forming this thematic media information environment at the moment are “accessibility”, “quality” (with the connotation “qualitative”) and “effectiveness”.

Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
education; media text; information policy; media concept; mediaformant; медиаконцепт; медиаформанта; образование; медиатекст; информационная политика
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