Из корней щалфея лекарственного выделены пентациклические тритерпеноиды: эускафиковая, 19-дезоксиэускафиковая, олеа-ноловая и урсоловая кислоты. Идентификация проведена по данным 1Н ЯМР и масс- спектров.
In our previous study we confirmed Royleanones of Salvia officinalis roots, the compounds having antibacterial activity. Horminone - is an API 50% by weight of a antimicrobial preparation developed in our laboratory. There was compared the antibacterial activity of each Royleanones. The most active is horminone. In this study we have isolated and identified some other components being extracted from salvia officinalis roots along with royleanone horminone. Salvia officinalis roots were harvested in Krasnodar region near Vasyurinskaya village. Ethanol extract was evaporated and treated with water-chloroform mixture, and then the resulting chloroform extract - with water solution of alkali. The precipitate obtained by adding acid solution was separated by means of SG column chromatography, petroleum ether - chloroform and chloroform - methanol mixtures being used as eluents. The compounds isolated are oleanolic, ursolic, euscaphic and 19-desoxyeuscaphic acids identified by their ‘H NMR and mass spectral data.