Теизм рассматривается не только как обозначение определенной концепции, но и в качестве категории, являющейся одной из фундаментальных в философии, философии религии наряду с пантеизмом, панентеизмом и деизмом. В статье рассматривается западноевропейская идея личного Бога, которая в ее специфическом значении в отличие от безличного Абсолюта по определению является фундаментальным вопросом для самого теизма.
Theism is not only the term for definite conception of thought but also the philosophical category as well as pantheism, panentheism, deism. Meanwhile the differences in interpretation of these categories main feature of theism is to be the concept of a Personal God in contrary to the concept of Impersonal Absolute, God the Creator and Supervisor over the world. The author argues in this article that history of European theism demonstrates its reducing to natural theology (not philosophy sui generis), in which the question of Divine essence prevails the question of Divine Person. Therefore European theism has undergone self-transformation into essentialist doctrine. Paradoxically, the problems of demarcation of Personal Being from Impersonal Being and discourse on person as hypostasis which is the fundamental problems of Philosophy of Religion has not been undertook by theism properly. So we suggest European theism went far from its main questions and problems.