Представлены результаты сравнительного исследования влияния разных частотно-резонансных воздействий излучателя мини-эксперт ДТ и специфических частот (против микоплазм) голографической информационной копии на ряд характеристик нервных клеток мозга хорька (Мpf) (контаминированных микоплазмами, и без них): жизнеспособность, индекс пролиферации, митохондриальную активность и трансмембранные потенциалы.
The results of comparative research of different Frequency-Resonant Influences (FRI) are presented, including specific frequencies (against micoplasma) of Holographic Informative Copy (HIC) on the descriptions of polecat brain nervous cells (Mpf) (contaminated by micoplasma and without them): viability, proliferation index (PI), mitochondrial activity and transmembrane potentials (TMP). Micoplasma in the cells is found to differ in fluorescent brightness DSM depending on their activity. The changes of cellular descriptions and micoplasma activity into cells after their unfreezing, in the process of cultivation and during experimental influences controlled by means of fluorescent probe DSM, investigating the images of living cells with the use of microscopical techniques. It is discovered that changes in a structure and energy of mitochondrial reticulum in reply to certain frequency influence are attended with the change of speed of proliferation cells, influencing on formation of dendritic structures between cells. It is set that action in the mode of the program F 44 of emitter (300 – 400 kHz) or by specific frequency of HIC on the Mpf culture leads to PI increase of cells in 1,5 and 5 times, accordingly. The most effect of decontamination of Mpf culture from micoplasma and height of mitochondrial TMP discovered after IHC-exposure.