У статті розглянуті найбільш загальні біоекологічні елементи інфекційного циклу сибірськи, що визначають прояв епізоотичного процесу. Наведено характерні особливості нозоареала в глобальному масштабі і в РФ за останні роки. Описано реальні факти розповсюдження сібіркової інфекції «не природнього» походження.


Anthrax - the primary infectious disease of herbivores, according to modern concepts of natural focal saprozoonoz. Characterized by a specific infectious cycle, which assumes a mandatory step outside the organism pathogen sporulation. According to ProMED [13], in 2005-2010 anthrax retains global nosological area, free are just some areas, especially the geographical periphery. In the epizootic process, along with cattle, involved and subject to the death of numerous species of terrestrial animals, one way or another in contact with the ground as the main reservoir and source of infection, even predators. Exceptions, falling out of general statistical characteristics are unique epizootic precedents flash character with emergent deaths of dozens of domestic and hundreds of wild animals, regularly appearing in certain regions of the world. This phenomenon indicates the existence and preservation of the world unique hyperendemic natural territorial loci of the “accursed fields” Pasteur. People relatively resistant to natural anthrax infection. Nevertheless, in 2005-2010 each year more than 100 spontaneous outbreaks of human infection with an average mortality of 25% [13]. The general background of particularly disadvantaged regions such as Indonesia, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Bashkortostan Buryatia (Russia). On the background of total systematic widespread preventive vaccination herbivores as no alternative method of disease control in the whole of Russia each year 20-40 cases of unpredictable amplitude. Manifestation of epizootic process has apparently sporadic, without regard to any real reasons, with a random incidence and mortality mainly cattle and sheep, much less pigs and horses [2, 5, 6, 7]. Given the usual domestic problems epizootology reliable accounting and statistics, should assume a much higher level of real morbidity and mortality of animals in regions where reported cases of infection in humans in 2010 and earlier (Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Astrakhan, Volgograd region). The infection is also a unique object in the application of biological weapons of mass destruction (bacteriological) nature for terrorist purposes since 1940. Last precedent in September 2001 in the United States provided the impetus for urgent development on the issue of protection in cases of “not natural” anthrax. Were worked out effective remedies and treatments (ciprofloxacin, doxycycline), simple rapid diagnostic ELISA method that lets define per one hour antibodies for the disease, and thus quickly identify patients. For the prevention of pulmonary form of the disease showed high efficacy of the vaccine from the cell-free filtrate avirulent when applying the special scheme [11, 12].

Макаров В.В. 1 , Бріко М.І. 2 , Недосеков В.В.3
Інститут ветеринарної медицини Національної академії аграрних наук України=Институт ветеринарной медицины Национальной академии аграрных наук Украины
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва
  • 2 Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М.Сеченова, г. Москва
  • 3 Институт ветеринарной медицины НААН, Киев
Ключевые слова
сибирская язва; bacillus anthracis; инфекционный цикл; нозоареал; биотерроризм

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