Качество жизни, психология здоровья и образование: междисциплинарный подход: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. Москва, 24-25 апреля 2014 г..
С. 312-314
In 8168 newborn boys body weight (BBW) was registered according to histories of labour (1983 - 2011) kept in medical archives of Kyrgyzstan. These data were juxtaposed with geomagnetic field (GMF, Ap-index) and solar activities during 22 - 23-rd and beginning of 24-th cycles, received fromh. The presumption dealing with influence of geomagnetic field on the fetus body mass is endorsed by existence of regular rhythmic oscillations at many common frequencies. The strong regression and correlation dependence allows to expect that the geomagnetic field might influence to fetus et the stageof placentation.