Исследовано влияние КВЧ-излучения (длина волны - 5,6 мм) на электрические свойства мембран, митохондрий и ядра в клетках культуры Т-лимфобластоидных линий МТ4 и СЕМ с помощью витального полихроматического флуоресцентного зонда-катиона ДСМ (на базе микроскопии и проточной флуориметрии).
This paper investigates biophysical mechanisms of the influence of the EHF-irradiation on the membrane structure in living cells using fluorescent probe-cation 4(n-dimethylaminostyryl)-methylpyridinium n-toluenesulphonate (DSM) in cell culture T-lymphoblastoid lines MT4 and CEM. The EHF-irradiation of cells in the tubes was performed during 30 minutes with use the apparatus «Yavа-1» with a wavelength 5.6 mm. and output power of 8 W/cm. The DSM fluorescence intensity of cells were recorded on microfluorimeter Lyumam - I2 (LOMO) (in test glasses) or flow cytometer Partec PAS (Germany). The DSM fluorescence intensity were recorded on a microfluorimeter cells Lyumam-I2 (LOMO) (Glass) using standard glass absorption filters for excitation in the blue and yellow-green fluorescence of the spectrum, respectively, or by a flow cytometer Partec PAS (Germany) (in test tubes ). Excitation of fluorescence was performed in the channel wavelength of 488 nm laser radiation flow fluorimeter with different spectral regions of the fluorescence in the cells was isolated at the same time by using different interference filters with transmittance peaks 530, 585 and 661 (nm), respectively. Data flow cytometry was obtained as distribution histograms array of 5000 cells simultaneously for three types of DSM fluorescence intensity (mainly: green - in the membranes, yellow - in energetically active mitochondria, red - in the nucleus). It was found, that in 1-2 hours after the cessation of EHF- irradiation in lymphoblastoid cells occurs the depolarization of the plasmatic membranes, amplification of the energy activity of mitochondria and the increase of DSM concentration connected with chromatin, perhaps due to the reduction of the electric field gradient at the nuclear membrane (plus inside the nucleus) (мaximal effect at 37°C). Moreover, in cells MT4 fluorescent DSM effects and EHF-effects are more expressed than in cells CEM, probably, because of differences in the structure of the cell-cell contacts in these cells. The DSM fluorescent effects in membranes and nuclei point in favor the start of mitogenic (proliferative) mechanism by the influence of EHF- irradiation in the selected mode on the cell lines MT4 and CEM, which is consistent with experimental data of other researchers. These findings substantiate the mechanism of effective therapeutic (primarily, regenerating) action of the millimeter-waves on the cells. However, on the other hand, the ability of EHF-radiation stimulate to mitochondria and enhance the mitotic activity in cultures of tumor cells, indicate the need to consider ndicate the need to consider the danger of developing cancer at EHF-therapy.