Гидроцефалия - врожденное заболевание карликовых пород собак, которое характеризуется увеличением объема ликвора в желудочках головного мозга, что приводит к уменьшению массы нервной ткани и, как следствие к тяжелым неврологическим симптомам. Окончательный диагноз гидроцефалия ставится на основании клинических признаков и КТ-сканирования. Лечение прогрессирующей гидроцефалии начинается с консервативных методов и лишь при их безуспешности и отсутствии противопоказаний используют хирургическое вмешательство - вентрикулоперитонеальное шунтирование.


Hydrocephalus, in part, can be regarded as a genetic anomaly caused by environmental factors (the spirit of the time: fashion for dogs dwarf breeds and, as a consequence, an ignorant animal breeding, without adequate screening of «genetically unfit» individuals). In most cases, the animals die from degenerative changes in the brain substance, and, as a result, the progression of neurological symptoms. The aim of the research. To examine the clinical, biochemical indicators of CSF in dogs using data CT to estimate the size of the ventricles of the brain in the clinical manifestation of the hydrocephalus. Evaluate the results of the ventriculoperitoneal bypass surgery in dogs with congenital hydrocephalus. In the period from March to September 2009 in the clinic 42 diagnosed with hydrocephalus. By the age of the animals can be divided into 2 groups: from1 to18months - 73,8%(31 of42) and from 2 to 10 years - 26,2%(11 of 42). Among the applicants animals males prevailed 66,7%(28 out of 42), and, accordingly 33,3%(14 out of 42) were females. The distribution of animal species was as follows: Yorkshire Terrier - 47,6%(20 of 42), the Terrier-19%(8 of 42), Chi-Hua-Hua - by 11.9%(5 out of 42), Spitz, the West highland white Terrier - 7, 1%(3 out of 42), Shih-Tzu, Pekingese, Gryphon - 2,4%(in 1 of the animal out of 42). To differential diagnosis and to visualize the side of the cerebral ventricles the following methods were used : ultrasound side of the cerebral ventricles, craniography, CT scan of the brain. After diagnosis «hydrocephalus» animals were appointed pharmacotherapy korticosteroidnami hormones. For relief of seizures used pagly-uferal. In the absence of a stable positive dynamics on medication animal was performed ventriculoperitoneal shunting. Results and discussion. Visual diagnostics. In the x-ray picture, in contrast craniography, a typical picture was noted: increased side brain ventricles resembling the shape of the «peanuts». On ultrasomogram clearly been visualized pathological extension of the lateral ventricles in all experimental animals. In 42 of the animals studied with the use of CT, hydrocephalus has been confirmed. The volume of the cerebral ventricles was considerably higher than the norm. The degree of severity of the hydrocephalus FOHR divides into three categories: 1. Moderate - from 0,21-0,3; 2. Expressed is 0.31-0,4; and 3. Sharply marked - more 0,41. A blood test. In the clinical analysis of blood, serious deviations from the physiological indicators haven''t been identified. Biochemical parameters were within the physiological norm. Study of the CSF. Its physical properties, the cellular structure, biochemical indicators (at 15 animals, which was 35,7%), as well as the content of the CEC were explored. Histological research of the slices. After the death of 4.7% (2 of 42)or euthanasia of animal 9.5 per cent (4 of 42) resorted to pathological-anatomical examination. Slices for histological analysis of the brain have done in 7 different levels: the cerebellum, the bridge, the brain stem, the parietal share, the frontal lobe aborally, rostrally in the center. Conclusions: 1. Our results show that the hydrocephalus is more likely to occur in young dogs dwarf breeds at the age from 1 to 18 months. Clinical symptoms are: walking in a circle, random movement around the room, the animal is hit by objects. CT and MRI occupy the leading position among the methods of diagnostics of the hydrocephalus. 2. Dog dwarf breeds with clinically manifested hydrocephalus have expressed hydrocephalus (an increase of 2.5 times compared to the norm) side of the cerebral ventricles. The increase in the volume of third cerebral ventricle is not happening. 3. Bacteriological, biochemical, cytological examination of the CSF in dogs dwarf breeds with hydrocephalus indicate the presence of the brain aseptic inflammation. 4. Histological sections, various divisions of the brain in dogs dwarf breeds with clinically manifested hydrocephalus, indicate chronic aseptic periventricular encephalitis. 5. Hydrocephalus is amenable to curative treatment by korticosteroidnami hormones. In the absence of the effect of the patient can be performed ventriculo-peritoneal shunting.

Ульяновский государственный аграрный университет им. П.А. Столыпина
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 2 Чеховский ветеринарный центр
Ключевые слова
ликвор; вентрикулоперитонеальное шунтирование; neurolymph; ventriculoperitoneal bypass surgery; hydrocephalus; dog; periventricular; encephalitis; гидроцефалия; собака; перивентрикулярный энцефалит
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