Установлены диагностически значимые признаки в анатомическом строении травы володушки золотистой (Bupleurum aureum Fisch.). Результаты проведенных исследований использованы при разработке нормативной документации на новый вид лекарственного растительного сырья - травы володушки золотистой.
The plant genus voloduska known to mankind since ancient times till our time actively used in medicine in South-East Asia. Voloduska Golden sufficiently widespread in European Russia and Siberia and is a promising source of medicines. The study of morphological characteristics of terrestrial bodies Voloduski Golden (Bupleurum aureum Fisch, Cem. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) - sel?derejnye (Apiaceae). For the first time, a microscopic examination of the herb voloduski Golden and diagnostically significant signs identified the anatomy structure of grass Voloduski Golden, polygonal cells of epidermis are detected with a gently winding wall thickening cetkovidnymi from the side wall, sekretornye moves content with Brown on the edge of the sheet and along major veinal necrosis.