Российский ветеринарный журнал. Мелкие домашние и дикие животные.
С. 6-9
Изучены биомеханические параметры прочнос- ти костно-цементного и металлического эндопро- тезов с различными модификациями пластин пос- ле замещения обширного дефекта лучевой кости у кадаверов
During researching of limb8sparing models with using reinforced bone cement showed the best biomechanical properties com8 pared to models with using metal prosthesis. The results in our opinion are associated with more uniform distri8 bution of the load between the plate and the bone8cement prosthesis. However, both models had mean maximum load that many time exceeded the peak vertical ground reaction force for dog in risk group in the early postop8 erative period