Экологически обусловленный оксидативный стресс как фактор онкогенеза.

Представлен обзор литературы по экологическим факторам, имеющим отношение к развитию оксидативного стресса. Дан анализ связей оксидативного стресса и онкогенеза. Отмечена необходимость коррекции оксидативного стресса при опухолях как элемент патогенетической противоопухолевой терапии.

Environmentally-Related Oxidative Stress as a Carcinogenesis Factor.

The authors present the analysis of publications devoted to the influence of environmental conditions on human health in terms of effects on redox homeostasis. As a model was used carcinogenesis. Analysis of the literature has shown the relationship between the appearance of oxidative stress (OS) and environmental factors such as soil environment with heavy metals, deficiency of selenium in the environment, the lack of antioxidant vitamins, and the impact of various electromagnetic radiations. On the other hand, there are a number of environmental factors that reduce the intensity of free radical reactions. The authors emphasize that redox processes is an integral part of physiological homeostasis. Increasing concentrations of reactive oxygen metabolites converts the cell into an unstable state of hypersensitivity to a specific stimulus control, which is a prerequisite for epigenetic regulation of the process of cell proliferation and differentiation. OS as a factor of carcinogenesis increases the mutagenesis and causes the suppression of immune cells. This leads to a relative immune deficiency and creates prerequisites for the survival of transformed cells. After the tumor the OS became her weapon against the microorganism. OS also became an epigenetic factor of tumor growth regulation and ensure the formation of tumor phenotype. The authors conclude that on the one hand correction of environmentally related OS is necessary for the prevention of tumor. On the other hand the correction of the OS after the tumor is pathogenetic substantiated part of anticancer therapy.

Чижов А.Я. 1 , Пинаев С.К. 2 , Савин С.З.3
Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов (Москва)
  • 2 УРАН «Вычислительный Центр Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук» (г. Хабаровск)
  • 3 УРАН «Вычислительный Центр Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук»
Ключевые слова
онкогенез; новообразования; malignances; ecology; oxidative stress; carcinogenesis; tumor; cancer; экология; оксидативный стресс; окислительный стресс; канцерогенез; опухоль; рак
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Технологии живых систем. Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника. Том 9. 2012. С. 40-46