Представлены данные о составе действующих веществ, использовании в медицине корней сельдерея пахучего (Apium graveolens L.). Приведены результаты собственных результатов исследования особенностей анатомического строения цельных свежих и высушенных корней сельдерея пахучего, а также диагностических признаков при микроскопическом исследовании порошка сухих корней этого растения.
The article presents data on the composition of active substances and medicine use of celery root (Apium graveolens L.). Results of own research results anatomical features of whole fresh and dried roots of celery, as well as diagnostic features in the microscopic study of dry powder of the roots of this plant. These peculiarities in the anatomical structure is reflected in the original micrographs of diagnostic features that can be used to establish the method of microscopy the presence of celeriac in the new charges, herbal mixes (tea drinks, biologically active food supplements). Microscopic studies by the method of the state pharmacopoeia were performed. Transverse sections viewed under a microscope after treatment of their first phloroglucin solution, and then concentrated hydrochloric acid (histochemical reagent for lignificated and woody plant tissue). For the anatomy of lateral celery root at cross-section is characterized by: the wide cortex, which occupies the bulk of the cross section of the root; small central cylinder; in the crust sufficiently numerous secretory receptacles with a reddish-brown contents; taproot periderm. Endoderm in the cross section is not clearly expressed. Microscopic examination of the powder of dried roots of celery to the diagnostic features can be attributed primarily the presence of cortical parenchyma tissue fragments with fragments of timber vessels, or cells secreting receptacles and their contents, fragments of the cover root tissues in the plan.