На основе многолетних полевых исследований, анализа разновременного дистанционного и фотомате- риала, фитоиндикации и лихенометрии изучены структура и динамика приледниковых ландшафтов за последние 160, 80, 40 и 10 лет, а также их межгодовая изменчивость в бассейнах рек Адылсу и Каяартысу в Приэльбрусье (Центральный Кавказ). Приледниковым ландшафтам, занимающим до 5% площади иссле- дуемых бассейнов, свойственны молодость и динамичность, нахождение многих геосистем на протяжении последних 80 лет на стадиях зарождения и становления. В результате деградации оледенения вблизи лед- ников Джанкуат и Башкара с 1928 по 2006 г. образовалось много новых геосистем. В приледниковых ланд- шафтах сформировались серии озёр, ледяные провалы и гроты, травянистая растительность продвинулась вверх по долинам на 20 м, а древесные виды - на 5-10 м.
Periglacial landscapes are one of the most dynamic geosystems in Prielbrusie (Central Caucasus). The structure and dynamics of these landscapes in the two main valleys of Adyl-su and Kayarty-su from the middle of XIX century with particular attention to the last decades has been studied and mapped on the basis of remote sensing data and on-land photos, phytoindication and lichenometry. The modern periglacial landscapes, which occupy 2-5 % of the study areas, are characterized by metachronic and dynamic structure with ability of geosystems without soils or vegetation. The last decades are noticed by formation of specific on-glacier geosystems with vegetation and sometimes with primitive soils on the surface moraines of the glaciers. During last 80 years (from 1928) the fronts of Dzhankuat Glacier retreated on the 400 m, of Bashkara Glacier on 300 m and Kashkatash Glacier on 350 m. The velocity of periglacial landscape formation is correlated with type and size of concrete glaciers, character of glacier valley, activity of natural processers, position in altitudinal belt, granulometric composition of deposits and climatic features. The last decade is characterized by intensification of landscape dynamics because of rapid retreat of glaciers due to the modern climatic changes. The largest changes are also typical for Bashkara Glacier with formation of lakes, glacier grottoes and others as well as in the 2006- 2007. The species of grass extended to the upper parts of the valleys after retreating glaciers on 10-20 m, and trees - on 5-10 m.