Представлен обзор возможностей широкого использования в различных областях клинической практики модифицированного метода электропунктурной компьютерной диагностики по Накатани с использованием утвержденного МЗ РФ аппаратно-программного комплекса «Диакомс». Метод наиболее перспективен при диспансерных обследованиях и выявлении влияния экологических факторов на организм.
The article provides an overview of studies demonstrating the possibility of using in different areas of clinical practice of electroacupuncture method of computer diagnosTICS by Nakatani. The method is based on Ryodoraku theory, according to which there is a close relationship between the functional state of internal organs and the electrical resistance measured in the acoustic puncture the skin areas located along the lines of the meridians. E.S. Velhover, V.G, Nikiforov and V.A. Zagryadsky determine the acupuncture points as the projection point of «somato-visceral systems». Methods of electropunctural diagnostics are successfully used in Space medicine, psychosomatic medicine in disaster medicine, bioenergy, physiotherapy, acupuncture and homeopathy. One of the most promising systems for the assessment of public health representation is computerizer rapid diagnostic system «Diakoms». The system was approved and recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health care for implementation at all levels of health care and of medical science. With the use of «Diakoms» numerous research have been conducted. The results of these papers wave published in more than 100 works, doctoral and 11 Phd theses. It is shown that the sensitivity of the method ranged from 68.9 % to 100 %, specificity - from 63,7 % to 100 %, positive predictive value - from 41.6 % to 100 %, of negative predictive results - from 75,6 % to 100 %, the integral index diagnostic efficiency - from 67.2 % to 100 %. Using «Diakoms» significantly expands the capabilities of the method of Nakatani for determining of environment on health of population.