Систолическая скорость кровотока по магистральным артериям головы у студентов в период адаптации в вузе.

Исследована систолическая скорость кровотока по магистральным артериям головы у студентов в период адаптации в вузе. Показано, что начальные нарушения гемодинамики в молодом возрасте, развивающиеся в вертебробазилярном бассейне, чаще возникают у лиц с изменениями в шейном отделе позвоночника, а начальные изменения кровотока в каротидном бассейне − чаще у лиц с заболеваниями сердца.

Systolic Blood Flow Velocity by MAG Students During the Adaptation Period at the University.

Were examined 70 students in the clinic number PFUR 25MZRF, aged 16 to 23 years, 45 of them are women and 25 of men, Russian-38 men, foreign-32 men. With early clinical displays of initial vascular insufficiency at students were the following: the headache in the field of a nape, a forehead, a pain in cervical department of a backbone, pressure of muscles of a neck, undue fatigability and memory impairment on teaching material storing, noise in ears, flashing of «front sights» before eyes, скотомы to define and reveal systolic speed of a blood-groove on the MAG at students in adaptation. In this connection there was a task in view of carrying out ultrasonic dopplerografi (USDG) the main arteries of a head and a neck at healthy students and at students with early clinical displays of a vascular pathology. Studying of adaptation of students PFUR in training, represents, an estimation of action of one powerful stress-factor (study in new conditions) against another (chronic disease), that defines the maximum intensity of processes of adaptation. In a century of a computerisation the person is more and more subject sedentary life, to stressful situations which in aggregate, often lead to formation of chronic diseases which in turn lead to development of an early vascular pathology which becomes aggravated during the adaptable period of training in high school. Formation of responsibility for health of pupils in high school - a prominent aspect in educational process at the present stage.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Номер выпуска
  • 1 РУДН
Ключевые слова
systolic blood flow velocity; students; adaptation; систолическая скорость кровотока; студенты; адаптация

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