Обсуждаются проблемы формирования социально-воспитательной среды вуза как основы воспитания и социализации студентов в условиях интернационального вуза с учетом особенностей не только индивидуального личностного развития студентов, но и их разной этнокультурной идентичности.
Problems of the formation of social-upbringing environment of higher school as a foundation of education and socialization of students are discussed in this work. Special attention is paid to the problem of the social-upbringing environment's formation of the international higher education institution. This point requires an additional investigation taking into account features not only for students' individual and personal development, but also of their diverse ethno and cultural identity. It is here we face with the need of an adequate understanding and synchronous modeling of the complex combination of the processes and trends, defining condition of social-educational environment.