Изучена связь между числом лесных пожаров и частотой злокачественных новообразований в когортах детей в возрасте 0-4 года. Установлено наличие сильной (0,87) высоко значимой корреляционной связи между числом пожаров и частотой эмбриональных опухолей у детей.
Incidence of childhood cancer at the Khabarovsk Territory in 2015 was 203.5 cases per million person-years, that much higher than the average level in Russia and in the world. The Khabarovsk Territory characterized by frequent forest fires with long periods of smoke. The relationship between the number of forest fires and the incidence of childhood cancer in cohorts aged 0-4 years from 1972 to 1988 in the Khabarovsk Territory was studied. It was found a strong (0.87) significant correlation (p <0.01) between the number of fires and the incidence of embryonic tumors in children at the 1976 - 1983 period.