Инновационные процессы в АПК: сборник статей II Международной научно-практической конференции преподавателей, молодых ученых, аспирантов и студентов, посвященной 50-летию образования РУДН. Москва, 24-26 марта 2010 г..
С. 197-199
We have done some researches of morphological structure of carcasses, which were received from Edilbaev breeds of sheep, that were fed up by intensive alimentation. We have found out that in carcasses , at the age of 12.5 month in comparison with newborn lambs there has been decrease in: relative mass of muscular tissue by 8,98 %, relative mass of bone tissue by - 14,92 %, relative mass of others tissues by 0,3%, while relative mass of fat tissue has been increase in 24,21%.