Приведены результаты оценки эффективности применения компьютерной навигации при артроскопической реконструкции передней крестообразной связки коленного состава.
86 patients (53 men and 33 women) with break anterior cruciate ligament are surveyed which were divided into 2 groups: the first group (basic), consisting from 34 patients, reconstruction anterior cruciate ligament was spent with the help of computer navigation (Orthopilot Aesculap) and use free autotrasplant from muscles. To the second group (control) consisting from 52 patients the operative treatment was spent standard by a way with use similar trasplant. The average age of the patients has made about 28 years (17 - 46 years). Is shown, that the average number on a scale Lysholm has made in I group 82,1±1,5 numbers and in II - 79,3±1,2 numbers in 2 years after realization of operative intervention, that corresponds to good result. Is established, that in 26 patients (76,5 %) basic group in 2 years after realization of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the data IKDС results were estimated as "norm" (returning to sports activity on former level of achievement) and in 5 patients (14,7 %) the results were estimated as "almost norm". In 36 patients (69,2 %) control group the results were estimated as "norm" and 13 (25,0 %) as " almost norm ". Thus, the carried out research has shown, that use of computer navigation allows to achieve repeatability of good and excellent results in independence of experience of the operating surgeon and thus to define maximum isometric situation of the trasplant, that results in its fast revascularization and reinervation.