Методы эндоэкологической реабилитации по Левину в оздоровлении студентов.

Представлен анализ состояния здоровья современного студенчества и существующих методов оздоровления данного контингента. В качестве эффективного метода оздоровления рассмотрена система эндоэкологической реабилитации по Левину (ЭРЛ) на клеточно-оздоровительном уровне.

Methods of Endoecological Rehabilitation after Levin in Improvement of Students Health Status.

Maintaining and strengthening the health of students, one of the representative groups of young people of the country, with over 3 million people, is an actual problem of modern society. However, the impact of unfavorable environmental conditions, increasing demands on the level of training senior managers, due to the increasing flow of scientific information, the introduction of innovative educational technologies lead to mental overload of students. Clearly, the problem of low-level maintenance level of health of students in large measure due to the absence of effective evidence-based public health system in general and students in particular. Seeking a way out of the situation we found it necessary to explore the possibility to improve the health of students opening, labeled as Method of normalization of physiological state of the organism by after Levin (Russian Patent № 2131727). Its essence is to create management principles and practices habitat cells, interstitial humoral transport and multifaceted functions of the lymphatic system. ERL method is based on the stimulation of IGT therapeutic effects, thus increasing the penetration of toxins (metabolites, and cells) in the lymphatic capillaries, vessels, and, further, in the lymph nodes, which is a multi-biochemical process of detoxification and transformation of toxins into a form that is available for excretion through the allocation of organs (kidney, intestines). Thus, control is achieved IGT and lymph drainage (LD). In other words, ERL is a comprehensive program that includes exposure to ensure the removal of toxic substances by increasing the humoral transport, from around cells space and ending with excretory organs. According to Valchuk E.A. great importance is the need for a differentiated approach to the improvement at various sectors and social groups. The advantages of the method applies ERL and the possibility of modifications in the specific conditions for the various contingents. In our study, more attention is paid to the application of ERL in different modifications in order to improve students health status.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
adaptation; valeology; endoecologycal rehabilitation; improvement of health status students; адаптация; валеология; эндоэкологическая реабилитация; оздоровление студентов
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