Показано, что внутрикостные блокады эффективны, как у пациентов с клиническими проявлениями поясничного остеохондроза, перенесших нейрохирургическое удаление грыжи межпозвонкового диска, так и у пациентов с грыжей межпозвонкового диска на дооперационном этапе.
96 patients with failed back surgery syndrome were surveyed. 56 patients after neurosurgical intervertebral disks operations and 40 patients with the statements for neurosurgical treatment). The article indicates that the intrabone blockades are effective in a cases with relapse of clinical displays of a lumbar osteochondrosis after neurosurgical intervertebral disks operations, as well patients with the clinical lumbar osteochondrosis presentations for neurosurgical intervertebral disks hernias treatment. Intrabone blockades are highly effective, pathogenetic, safe treatment mode for these patients.