Рассмотрено влияние ряда физических и химических факторов внешней среды на репродуктивную функцию у мужчин. Установлена зависимость фертильности от степени антропогенной нагрузки. Представлена структура нарушений морфологических и иммунологических параметров эякулята у мужчин репродуктивного возраста с нарушением фертильности.
As a result of complex ecological and laboratory studies it was for the first time revealed and scientifically motivated influence of the row physical and chemical factor of the external ambience on male reproduction health at Lipetsk region. The installed dependency fertization ability from degree of antropotechnical loads at ecological disadvantage region, age, length of service of the work and residences on territory with different rank of the disadvantage influence toxically surge and departure industrial production on male organism. It was received new information, having importance for adaption of male reproduction system to different ecological and social conditions of the residence. It was installed the structure of the breaches morphological and immunological parameter of ejaculat at men with infraction of fertization ability, reflecting population changes, which increased during sufficiently durable time for territory with middle and high factor of anthropogenium loads. The leading role in this process plays the length of service of the residence and age, but for persons working at bad production either a length of service of the working.