Изучено влияние остеогенного механизма на формирование вертебрально-церебральных расстройств у пациентов с клиническими проявлениями шейного остеохондроза методом оценки эффективности внутрикостных блокад.
The study included 182 patients with clinical manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis and reflex-vertebral cerebral disturbances. 93 patients, a study group, received a course of intraosseous blockades, 89 patients in the control group, received a course of paravertebral blockades. Revealed significantly higher therapeutic efficacy of intraosseous blockades in the treatment of these patients. It is concluded that the osteogenic factor can be regarded as an important mechanism for the formation of spondilogenic vertebro-cerebral disturbances.