Трансплантация первичной культуры островковой ткани ксеногенной поджелудочной железы больным сахарным диабетом

Представлены результаты рандомизированного клинического исследования эффективности пересадки первичной культуры островковой ткани новорожденных кроликов больным сахарным диабетом II и I типа в общем курсе их лечения

The transplantation of the primary culture of the islet tissue of the xenogenous pancreas to the diabetes mellitus patients

In the article are represented the first perspective results of the randomized clinical investigation of the effectiveness of the transplantation of the primary culture of the islet tissue of the newly born rabbits to the diabetes mellitus patients by II and I type of it in the general course of their treatment. Results of the 41 of surgical operation on the 34 patients are analyzed. It was compared the effect of the traditional transplantation of the β-cells of the pancreas (under the fascia of the straight stomach muscle). Results of the transplantation of β-cells in the mix of the injection composition of the biodestroyed matrix Sphero®GEL (into subcutaneous tissue of stomach). Results of the transplantation of the primary culture of the entire islet tissue of the pancreas in the mix of the injection composition of the biodestroyed matrix Sphero®GEL (into subcutaneous tissue of stomach) under the control of the level of glycemia. The state of transplant was observed by the method of thermography. It was observed the steadiest result during the transplantation of the primary culture of the entire islet tissue of the pancreas in the mix of the injection composition of the biodestroyed matrix Sphero®GEL. In the course of 3-5 months after operation all patients decreased the dose of insulin by 3-5 times. A change in the place for the transplantation did not influence of the final result. However, application as the matrix of the injection composition Sphero®GEL destroyed all existing risks of the cellular technologies. Representative work was executed with financial support of the Russian Federal Fund for assistance to the development of the small forms of enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere.

Литвак Г.Ю.1 , Баринов А.В. 2 , Комаров В.В.3 , Тюнина Г.К. 2 , Перова Н.В.4 , Севастьянов В.И.5 , Лубяко А.А. 2 , Шумаков В.И.
Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Больница № 2 г. Подольска» (Моск. обл
  • 2 ГОУ ВПО «Российский университет дружбы народов»
  • 3 МУЗ «Городская больница № 2 г. Подольска» Моск. обл
  • 4 ЗАО «Биомир ссервис»
  • 5 ФНЦ трансплантологии и искусственных органов им. академика В.И. Шумакова Минздравсоцразвития России»
Ключевые слова
diabetes mellitus; transplantation; the cellular and tissue technologies of organotheraphy; thermography; сахарный диабет; трансплантация; клеточные и тканевые технологии органотерапии; термография

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