Дана классификация и характеристика лекарственной формы «Таблетки для рассасывания», представленной на фармацевтическом рынке. Рассмотрен ассортимент вспомогательных веществ для производства этого вида лекарственных форм. Приведены результаты современных научных разработок составов и технологии таблеток для рассасывания.
In the review we represented the classification and characteristics of the orally disintegrating tablets. Due to a high degree of bioavailability, as well as the convenience of use, storage, transportation this dosage form is being actively researched and developed in recent years. The 34 original drug compositions merchendized on the pharmaceutical market of Russia were described in this paper. The analysis of the literature on this issue has shown that the most common are tablets with antimicrobial, analgesic and antiinflammatory effects, this indicates their relevance. The Netherlands, Slovenia, India, France, and the Republic of Croatia are the main importers of the different formulations of orally disintegrating tablets. The proportion of drugs containing active pharmaceutical sub stances of plant origin slightly exceeds the drugs with antibiotics. The assortment of auxiliary substances for the production of this form of medicinal forms is considered. This analysis of the information available in scientific sources shows that such auxiliary substances as mannitol, sorbitol (fillers), magnesium stearate (antifriction), aspartame (flavor), silicon dioxide colloid (sliding) and quinoline yellow (dye) are most often used in tablet mass formulations. Particular attention is given to the compositions of the subgroup flavors, which largely determines the aesthetics of the preparation and, as a consequence, its comfort for the patient. The results of a few Russian scientific developments of the compositions and technology of orally disintegrating tablets, which determine the great potential of scientific research in this direction were presented.