Дана характеристика меланомы и эффективности различных методов ее лечения (хирургического, криодеструкции, лучевой и нейтрон-захватной терапии, химио-, иммунотерапии)
Oral cavity tumors are most frequently melanomas (31...52% of cases). They are also diagnosed in 2...9% of all malignant neoplasm cases in dogs. Melanoma is tumor arising from melanocytes. Disease is characterized by fast growth and early dissemination of tumor. Today several histological types of melanomas have been recognized, still in our practice we most often face with a epithelioid cell and spindle-cell type. Histological verification of melanomas typology does not determine neither malignancy grade nor the prognosis for a disease. The basic method of treatment is the surgical method. At the small size neoplasm performance cryodestruction is possible. Melanoma it is not sensitive to chemotherapy. Beam therapy at melanoma appoint to reduce volume of a tumor and to break blood supply of a tumor. Neutron Capture Therapy represents today a new promising method of treatment of melanoma. During the irradiation thermal neutrons are captured by Borons or Gadoliniums atoms that are present inside the tissue. In that moment appears secondary irradiation that kills tumor cells.