Изучение особенностей процессов свободнорадикального окисления крови у людей, адаптированных к различным видам физической деятельности

STUDY OF FEATURES OF PROCESSES OF FREE RADICAL OXIDATION OF BLOOD AT PEOPLE ADAPTED TO VARIOUS KINDS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY S.A.Shastun, Ph. D. A.V.Ignatyev, Post graduate student A.E.Severin, Dr. Med., professor The Russian university of friendship of peoples, Moscow A.N.Kislitsyn, Ph. D. The Sochi state university of tourism and resort affair, Sochi Key words: adaptation; various kinds of physical activity; high speed and power features; free radical oxidation; antioxidizing activity of blood. In the work there are submitted the materials on study of ecological physiological features of the processes of free radical oxidation of blood at the people adapted to various kinds of physical activity. It is shown, that the distinctions in the meanings of the parameters of the peroxide chemiluminescence, are typological attributes describing the features of reorganization of the system, controlling the condition of the processes of the free radical oxidation, at the adaptation to specific conditions of physical activity. It is revealed, that the adaptation to the physical activity connected with the display of high speed and power qualities, is characterized by the increase of intensity of the processes of the free radical oxidation and the decrease of the total antioxidizing activity of blood. Whereas at the adaptation to physical activity connected with the display of the quality of endurance, the decrease of intensity of the processesof the free radical oxidation and the increase of total antioxidizing activity of blood is marked. The received equations of the discriminant functions, allow to predict with a high degree of reliability the belonging of the adaptation of the ones who has been surveyed to a primary type of this or that physical activity

Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoi Kul'tury
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов, Москва
  • 2 Сочинский государственный университет туризма и курортного дела, Сочи
Ключевые слова
адаптация; различные виды физической деятельности; скоростные и силовые качества; свободнорадикальное окисление; антиокислительная активность крови

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