The aim of present work was the analysis of the results of imaging 110 patients with hydrocele. Ultrasound of the scrotum showed the vary of fluid from 20 to 1500 ml, but often within 50-200 ml. Hydrocele fluid is generally clear, with nointernal echoes, allowing good sound throughtransmission. In patients with chronic hydrocele ultrasound of scrotum shows the scrotal wall thickening and echogenic material throughout the fluid. Colour Doppler ultrasound shows a high speed arterial blood and increasing f resistance index. Complicated, secondary, or reactive hydrocele are usually related to scrotal tumour, trauma, infection or inflammation. If the subject has a clinical history of scrotal tumour, trauma, infection and\or inflammation, and ultrasound also has hydrocele, complicating characteristics including the following may be seen: inhomogeneous echogenic material, septations and irregularities within fluid. Thus, imaging of hydrocele except on traditional methods bases on ultrasound examination and as required X-ray and CT.