Современные аспекты профилактики воспалительных осложнений у больных уролитиазом после дистанционной литотрипсии

Целью нашего исследования является оценка эффективности комбинированного при-менения низкоинтенсивной магнитолазерной терапии и литолнтической терапии для про-филактики воспалительных осложнений у больных мочекаменной болезнью после дистан-ционной литотрипсии.

Modern aspects of preventive maintenance of inflammatory complications at patients with urolithiasis after distant lithotripsy

The objective of our research was to estimate efficiency of combined application of magnito-laser therapy and litholitolis therapy for preventive maintenance of inflammatory complications at patients with urolithiasis after distant lithotripsy. 82 patients with different forms of nephrolithiasis, In the age of from 16 up to 59, after ses-sion of distant lithotripsy, were included in our research. Patients were sorted on two groups. The control group consisted of 42 patients, which received traditional antibacterial spasmolytic ther-apy. The main group consist of 40 patients, which received antibacterial spasmolytic litholitolis therapy and magnitolaser therapy. In both groups during the treatment we use standart lab, ultra-sound and x-raid examinations. Results of the lead researches have shown, that patients of the main group, which received an-tibacterial spasmolytic litholitolis therapy and magnitolaser therapy, have not undergone to attack of acute pyelonephritis, and discharge fragments of disintegrated concrement was registered in greater percent of cases, then patients of the control group, it was proved by results of standart lab, ultrasound and x-raid examinations.

Федченков В.В. 1, 2 , Ходенков С.С. 1, 2 , Круглое Б.А.3, 4
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Department of Urology and Operative Nephrology Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Кафедра урологии и оперативной нефрологии Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 3 City Clinical Hospital № 29
  • 4 Отделение дистанционной литотрипсии Государственная клиническая больница № 29

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