Антитела к оболочечным белкам Е1 и Е2 у людей, инфицированных вирусом гепатита С

Antibodies of envelope proteins E1 and E2 in patients with acute and chronic hepatitis С

This research aimed to study humoral response against immunodominant B-epitopes of envelope proteins E1 and E2 in patients with acute and chronic hepatitis С and in human with resolution of acute infection. Specific antibodies were revealed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with 8 synthetic peptides modeling immun- odominant B-epitopes of envelope proteins as immunosorbents. It has been discovered that majority of patients with acute and chronic hepatitis С have antibodies to these epitopes, but resolved human do not display them. Association between the outcome of acute HCV infection and the presence of antibodies to B-epitopes has not been revealed. In chronic hepatitis С antibodies to C-terminal B-epitope of HVR1 were revealed reliably more often than in acute hepatitis С

Николаева Л.И. 1, 2 , Петрова Е.В. 5 , Финогенова М.П.4 , Шибнев В.А.4 , Токмалаев А.К. 5 , Михайлов М.И. 1
Номер выпуска
  • 1 M.P. Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis & Viral Encephalitides, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
  • 2 ФГУН «Институт полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов им. М.П. Чумакова РАМН», Москва
  • 3 Российский университет дружбы народов, Москва
  • 4 Клиническая инфекционная больница -2, Москва
  • 5 ФГУН «Институт вирусологии им. Д.И. Ивановского РАМН», Москва

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