Вейвлет-анализ общей и глазной микрогемодинамики у больных первичной открытоугольной глаукомой с нормализованным внутриглазным давлением

Microhemodynamic at patients with primary open angle glaucoma and normalized intraocular pressure

The eye and general micro hemody-namic were investigated at 29 patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with the normalized intraocular pressure. It was used to research computerized laser Doppler fluorimeter LAKK-01 (NPO "Lasma", Moscow). The occlusion and respiratory tests were applied to an estimation of the adrenergic regulation of a bringing branch of the common micro-blood flow. At patients with POAG two types of eye micro-blood flow changes were allocated. One of them was hyperemic type with increase of a micro-blood flow parameter another one was the spastic type with reduced of the micro-blood flow parameter. The statistically authentic differences of the amplitudes of the active and passive regulation mechanisms of the common micro blood-flow were marked in the revealed groups. The decrease of the common adrenergic activity bringing arterioles was determined at patients with hyperemic type of eye microcirculation disturbance. The caused of these was the reduction of neurogenic tone with simultaneous spasm formation during of functional test. The relative disposition to spasm or the bringing micro vessels spasm was recorded at patients with POAG with spastic type of eye microcirculation disturbers. The micro vessels spasm was amplify at carrying out of functional test. We propose that the revealed dates indicate on different vascular pathogenesis mechanisms development and current glaucomatous process in the specified groups of patients.

Бакшинский П.П.1 , Боголюбская А.Ю.2 , Дроздова Г.А. 3 , Сеидова Ф.Г.4 , Шамшинова5
ООО "Новое в медицине"
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Видновская районная больница, г. Видное
  • 2 Городская клиническая больница № 7 1, Москва
  • 3 Университет Дружбы Народов им. Патриса Лумумбы, Москва
  • 4 ГУ «НИИ глазных болезней РАМН», Москва
  • 5 ФГУ «Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца Росздрава»

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